Американская фитоняшка эбигейл рэчфорд (abigail ratchford): фото, биография инстаграм красотки

Биография Эбигейл Рэчфорд

Американская модель
Эбигейл Рэчфорд — пятая из семи детей. Отец — адвокат, а мать управляет своим
частным детским садом. Девочка еще с
раннего детства мечтала стать известной моделью. Абигейль училась в
католической младшей и средней школе, а затем поступила в Иезуитский
университет, где получила высшее образование.

Кумиром и вдохновителем
Эбигейл стал ее старший брат, который снимался в рекламе Calvin Klein. Рэчфорд в 20 лет
приняла участие в конкурсе Мисс Пенсильвания, однако дошла только до полуфинала.
Чтоб хоть как-то заработать себе на жизнь, девушка работала одновременно помощником
юриста, секретарём и барменом.

В марте 2013 первые
провокационные фото Эбигейл привлекли внимание пользователей Facebook. Так начался
взлет популярности и востребованности модели

Великолепная фигура и пышные
формы появились на обложках таких изданий, как Maxim, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit и Barstool Sports. Каждый желающий мог приобрести фото модели за
30$. Рэчфорд заключила контракт с Sunset Blvd. и снялась для рекламы на билбордах. Молодая
модель привлекла внимание известного дизайнера Майкла Костелло. В 2017 Абигейл
появилась на LA Fashion Week.

После переезда в
Лос-Анджелес фитоняша не ограничилась модельной карьерой, но решила отточить
свое актерское мастерство. После появления на разных шоу, модель получила
несколько эпизодических ролей на ABC, E! и в горячем комедийном шоу NBC ‘Parks and Recreation’.

Questions & Answers

  • What kind of men turn her off

    Those who are arrogant, brag about themselves, name drop to impress, those who smoke, Lie, show off the money they have.


  • What kind of men does she feel attracted towards?

    Funny guys, with a good sense of humor with some wisdom, intelligence, and sarcasm.

  • What kind of physical appearance does she not like in men?

    Men who are too much in shape with chiseled abs and such, she likes normal people, like actors.

  • What Acts turn her on

    Kissing on ears, not rushing


  • What is an Ideal date according to her?

    Dinner, concert, long talk outdoors, cocktails.

  • What makes her feel sexy?

    She feels sexy when she is in a guy’s shirt, and when she has tousled hair.

  • What is she scared of?

    She doesn’t know how to swim, she is scared of swimming.

  • How much money does she make?

    • In 2017 August interview with New York Post, she revealed that she made $170k on Instagram.
    • In 2019, LAD Bible estimated that she makes about $900k per year from her postings on Instagram & Snapchat.
    • In 2019, Daily star reported that she is paid about $8000 per her Instagram post by the brands.
    • She said that her calendar that was released in October 2019 was worth six-figure sum.
  • What should a man always do in bed?

    «I like a man who takes control in bed and isn’t afraid to take charge. Also, foreplay and lots of kissing is way better than rushing to the main event»

  • What should a man never do in bed?

    «A man should never be timid or rush through the foreplay to get right into the main event. You need to let the excitement build up.»

  • One thing a guy can do to make her fall?

She Started her Career with a Weight Loss Goal

Abigail Ratchford launched her career after a diet. And probably some additions, upstairs… If you know what I mean.

The entire reason that Abigail Ratchford got started with her internet fame was due to a New Year’s Resolution that she made in 2013. She decided that it was time to get in better shape and once she felt confident with the new body she had created, she decided to set up her own personal photo shoot. This took place during the first weekend of March in 2013, and the photos that were taken during that photo shoot showed Ratchford in Christian Louboutin heels and red lingerie. This is what originally helped her attract quite a bit of attention when she posted them all over her newly made Facebook fan page.

Once the photos started to be shared, they were featured on a number of different men’s websites in just a few weeks of her original posting. This is also when she began to attract the attention of a number of different commercial agents in New York, many of who sent her to auditions for a number of shows that would be featured on big-name cable networks. This was how this now, extremely famous social media model and aspiring actress got her start in the limelight and on the red carpet. It seems as though her popularity and notoriety are just growing and don’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Professional Statistics

Modeling Career

Abigail Ratchford took the internet by storm in early 2013 when she shared some of her provocative pictures on Facebook. Shortly after the pictures caught the attention of the influencers in the fashion industry, modeling offers started to pour in.

She moved to Los Angeles from her hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania in 2014 for better opportunities and that move paid off her. Her early works include featuring in several Sunset Boulevard billboard campaigns.

Her ever-growing popularity has landed her in some guest roles on ABC, and E! Network. She has walked the runway for top fashion designers, including Michael Costello, in the Los Angeles Fashion Week.

The sizzling hot Abigail Ratchford has featured in a plethora of magazines and websites including Esquire, Maxim, People Magazine, Sports Illustrated, The New York Post and dozens more.

She is a Small Town Girl

Abigail Ratchford is from Electric City. Scranton, Pennsylvania

Ritu Manoj Jethani / Shutterstock.com

Abigail Ratchford was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, which is also referred to as the “Electric City.” There is no question that she exemplifies what is thought of as the “All-American” girl and beauty. She is of German, French and Irish descent and her father is a District Attorney in her hometown in Pennsylvania. Her mother runs a very large and successful child care program in the same area. Abigail is the fifth of a family of seven children and raised in a household with Irish Catholic beliefs.

To go along with the Irish Catholic beliefs, Abigail attended both a Catholic grade school and a Catholic high school. She also attended a Jesuit University for a short time before she began her career in modeling. However, in an interview, Abigail stated that she wanted to do more and knew that it was not within the walls of the university that she could live her dream. This is when she decided to leave the university and begin pursuing her career in modeling. This included posting numerous sensual poses on Instagram and other social media channels, which is what helped her first achieve her notoriety and fame.

It seems from her humble and quaint upbringings, this is truly the ideal of the “American dream” and she is pursuing something she has always wanted to do. Her success started with the internet, but there is no question that there is much more in store for this young lady as she continues to branch out and try new and exciting things in her career, as well as in her life.

She Moved Across the Country to Los Angeles in 2014

Nobody in L.A. is from L.A..

Abigail Ratchford moved to Los Angeles in January of 2014. This move was an effort to advance her career. Prior to moving, she was on a number of billboards that were found along the shoulders of Sunset Boulevard, Maxims, and International Esquire. Abigail has also been referred to as TMZ’s sweetheart after she appeared on the popular entertainment gossip show several times. Once she moved to Los Angeles, Abigail also began to branch her career out to include acting. Her first acting role was on an episode of “Parks and Recreation.”

Once Abigail moved to Los Angeles, she did an interview where she stated how grateful she was for the exposure she received on social media, but she also stated how she would like to develop a career of longevity and substance that does not completely rely on internet fame or success. She has stated that the career that she really wants will make her expand her modeling portfolio and she will have to focus on gaining more theater experience and enrolling in professional acting training.

While she may not have finished college, there is no question that she is driven to achieve the goals she has for her career, even if it means going back to school for a while. This is one of the best ways, Abigail believes, to ensure that her career is not short-lived and based completely on the success she had on the internet.


Abigail Ratchford is an American model, actress, social media sensation. she has a huge following on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.


She was born on 12th February 1992 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States. 

She played soccer when she was a kid, she is not a sports fan in general though.


Her father is an attorney in law.

The mother works with children at a child care center. Abigail’s parents were sweethearts from highschool.


Abigail is the fifth of seven siblings, with the eldest and the youngest having an age difference of about 20 years. she comes from a Catholic family.

Her brother Jason Ratchford has appeared in a Calvin Klein commercial, her sister Isabelle Ratchford is into modeling as well.


  • Primary school: she attended ‘Our Lady of Peace School’ for her primary education.
  • Scranton Preparatory School: she studied at the ‘Scranton Preparatory School’ where she was initiated into cheerleading
  • Scranton University: She studied at the university for a while, but did not complete her course.

Abigail Ratchford Wiki

  • Abigail Ratchford D.O.B
    February 12, 1992
  • Abigail Ratchford Age
  • Abigail Ratchford Hometown
    Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • Abigail Ratchford Nationality
  • Abigail Ratchford Current Town
    Los Angeles, California
  • Abigail Ratchford Marital Status
  • Abigail Ratchford Height
  • Abigail Ratchford Hair Color
  • Abigail Ratchford Bra Size
  • Abigail Ratchford Measurements
  • Abigail Ratchford Eye Color
  • Abigail Ratchford Ethnicity
  • Abigail Ratchford Instagram
  • Abigail Ratchford Twitter
  • Abigail Ratchford Facebook
    View on Facebook
  • Abigail Ratchford Website
    View Website


  • I feel like getting to the first million was a big milestone (On Instagram success)
  • I hate it when people talk about my character, like that I’m not nice.
  • I don’t post things that aren’t true to myself.
  • L.A could be a lot of cutthroat, I take my nap regularly
  • A man catches my eye when he’s sure of himself but not cocky.
  • Someone who looks at me like I’m the only one in the room definitely wins over me.
  • I wanted to be famous
  • If you wake up and do a job you love, you will never work a day in your life.
  • I want to be a household name for beauty stuff, lingerie products, and clothing
  • My selfies get a lot more likes and comments than my professional photos, People like them because they’re more intimate
  • You kind of have to pretend you’re single so that fans can feel they a chance with you.
  • You deserve to be with someone who looks at you every single day like they have won the lottery
  • Nothing feels as good as having a super productive day
  • Nothing better than your own bath, bed, and feeling home again
  • Why would I pose nude when I get 15k screenshots in a sheer top
  • when I know I need to wake up early, I can’t fully sleep.
  • Everyone can’t come with you to the top
  • The scariest, yet most thrilling feeling in the world is becoming addicted to someone.
  • Good things come to those who wait. But the best things come to those who WORK
  • I didn’t come this far, to only come this far
  • If you don’t have a manager or an agent yet, contact the brands you want to work with directly. You get much more respect by being aggressive in this industry than sitting back waiting for things to happen for you.
  • Make a blueprint of what you want to do. Make a big vision board of all the huge goals you wish to achieve, then break them down into smaller ones.
  • Connect with the right people, be nice to everyone you work with, build solid working relationships, don’t listen to haters, it’s just white noise, cancel it out and have tunnel vision on your goals and dreams

Abigail Ratchford Instagram

Follow @abigailratchford on Instagram.

Abigail Ratchford is an American model who took the social media world by storm in 2013. She now has over 3.7 million followers on her Instagram account, all waiting to see what stunning photo she’ll post next.

Abigail’s skill at building a social media following has led to her appearing in men’s magazines and websites such as Maxim, Esquire, and ZOO.

In 2014, she relocated to Los Angeles, in order to expand her skills into acting. Her most notable role so far, has been in the NBC comedy, “Parks and Recreation.”

With her tantalizing green eyes, Abigail Ratchford is a new, but gorgeous model, ready to take over the spotlight. However, she says that she wants a career of substance and longevity, that doesn’t rely on Internet success.

Планы на будущее, интересные факты

Доход модель составляет
2,9 долл. США в год. Предполагаемый чистый капитал составляет 5 млн. долларов.

Заветная мечта модели —
стать ангелом Victoria’s Secret и
поработать с фотографом Расселом Джеймсом.

Абигайль много времени
уделяют кулинарии. Кроме того, среди увлечений модели также путешествия и
занятия йогой.

Рэчфорд иногда позволяет
себе нарушить рацион ради кусочка пиццы, лазаньи, тако и вкусного итальянского
кофе. И также в списке любимых блюд девушки — стейк из сыра фили и равиоли с
омаром под сливочным соусом.

Девушка любит отдает
предпочтение баскетболу и американскому футболу. Эбигейль – ярый фанат команды Philadelphia Eagles, а ее тетка даже
выступала в составе команды чирлидерш.

Фитнес-модель встречалась
с Джейми Левином в 2014 году. Пара рассталась в 2015 году. Абигейл была
замечена с американским бизнесменом Джеймсом Паперно, однако никаких
официальных известий об их отношениях нет.

В «Снэпчате»
Рэчфорд делится секретами красоты со своими подписчицам.

Эбигейль считает, что для
женщины важнее быть независимым, а не зависеть от воли мужчины. Модель
ненавидит людей, которые недооценивают женщин. Модель мечтает записать
собственные видеоуроки красоты, а также заинтересована в видео BTS и планирует выпустить
линейку купальников.

News & Updates

  • She has been published on «Maxim», «Esquire», «Sports Illustrated», «ZOO Weekly», «Nuts» among other popular magazines
  • She has appeared in the Stello Spring Collection show during the L.A Fashion Week.
  • She appeared in Life & Style magazine in October 2017.
  • New York Post published an article on her on 6th August 2017 with the title «I MAKE $170,000 ON INSTAGRAM: How did a bartender from Scranton, Pennsylvania, become a social-media star with 8 million followers? Abigail Ratchford reveals her tricks», it was written by Christian Gollayan.
  • She left Twitter in June 2017 but came back a few days later
  • She has appeared in the documentary «The Making of Achawaii48: Annachonda Cove Hawaii 48-hour Bikini Shoot» of 2016 as a model.
  • She has appeared in the TV special «8th Annual Babes in Toyland: Live from Avalon Hollywood» in 2015
  • She has appeared on the show «Access Hollywood» (on 30 September 2014)

Abigail Ratchford Net Worth

The stunning brunette has made a career for herself and social media was instrumental in boosting her modeling career. With over 9 million Instagram followers, she charges $8000 upwards per permanent post and around $3500 for a 48-hour post and $1500 for three Snapchat posts. Besides earning a handsome amount of money from social media, she also nets tens of thousands of dollars by selling custom merchandise, especially calendars on er website and app. She made around $200,000 from selling merchandise in 2017.

As of 2020, Abigail’s net worth is estimated to be around $4 million.



Фитнес-модель Эбигейл
Рэчфорд стоит свою тренировку на принципах пилатеса и круговых тренингов.
Красотка фокусируется на проработке мышечного корсета, ягодицах и ногах.
Пилатес помогает мне выглядеть гибче и элегантнее, сохраняя при этом
сексуальность изгибов. Брюнетка не любит заниматься в группах, предпочитая
индивидуальные занятия под руководством тренера. Модель старается занимать
трижды в неделю, если позволяет ее график.

Пример тренировки от
Эбигейл Рэчфорд

   1. Выпады с гантелями   2. Разведение гантелей лежа
на наклонной скамье лицом вниз   3. Жим штанги лежа на
горизонтальной скамье   4. Тяга с канатом на нижнем
блоке в наклоне   5. Тяга штанги к поясу   6. Жим ногами в Смите лежа
на животе   7. Подъем ног лежа на
наклонной скамье лицом вниз   8. Глубокие приседания с
мячом   9. Запрыгивания на

Who is Abigail Ratchford?

American glamour model and social media influencer, Abigail Ratchford, has made the leap to international fame through her appearances on a plethora of magazines including Esquire, Maxim, People Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and The New York Post, among many others. The stunning bombshell, who’s in her later twenties, has already garnered much attention for herself in the fashion industry. The gorgeous brunette with incredible body measurements has been the designers’ favorite when it comes to fashion shows and modeling gigs. Since the start of her career in 2013, Abigail has been dominating the glamour industry, having featured in several magazines and websites and even landed small roles in TV series and films. Known for her beauty, this swimsuit and lingerie model shows no signs of slowing down.


She Recreated the Famous Kim Kardashian “Break the Internet” Photo Shoot

Kim’s so photogenic!

Abigail decided to give Kim Kardashian a run for her money when she put her own unique spin on the reality star’s “break the internet” shoot, which was done for Paper magazine. At 23, Abigail posted a cheeky picture of herself on her Instagram account as she prepared for the shoot. In the original picture, Kim, at age 35 stripped down to nothing but a pearl necklace to bare her curves in a number of fun and different poses.

By taking a look at the behind the scenes photos of Abigail’s shoot, there is no question that she gave Kim a pretty good run for her money when it comes to curves. In the photo that Abigail originally posted to social media, she could be seen in the studio with her bare bottom and back to the camera – this is the exact same pose that Kim had on the cover of her magazine shoot. There is no question that for some this was considered a controversial shoot, but there is also no question that both ladies pulled it off rather well.

It seems that Abigail has taken inspiration from a number of big name photo shoots in her calendar, stating that she chose photos that inspired here. The ‘break the internet” replica definitely got quite a bit of attention when the star finally released the photos, which only seemed to propel her fame and notoriety further.

Abigail Ratchford Biography

Abigail Ratchford was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1992, and has German, Irish, and French ancestry. She’s the fifth of seven children and was raised in an Irish Catholic Household.

Her eldest brother, Jason, was a Calvin Klein model, who signed with Ford Modelling Agency in New York City when he was seventeen years old. Since Abigail was only four at this time, her mother would bring her to New York when taking Jason to his agency visits there.

During this time, Abigail’s mother was approached by the children’s division at Ford Models, regarding representation of Abigail, who, at a young age, was often compared to a porcelain doll because of her round face and large green eyes.

Abigail’s mother didn’t want her child to be exposed to that industry so young, so she decided not to allow her daughter to become a child model. However, Abigail had clearly caught the modelling bug.

In 2010, at 18 years of age, she competed in the Miss Pennsylvania pageant, making it through to the semi-finals. That same year, she decided that, in order to pursue her dream of becoming a model and an actress, she should leave Pennsylvania, and move to South Beach, Miami.

In 2011, Abigail ventured into business with a bartending service appropriately called Perfect 10-ders. She had 12 girls working for her, who would tend bar at events, fundraisers, and parties, and do beverage serving at nightclubs, bars, and casinos. At the time, her plan was to expand the business into other metropolitan areas, but those plans never came to fruition, and Abigail instead focussed on growing herself as a brand.

She became an internet sensation in 2013 via her Instagram page, due to the stunning photos that she posts. She now has over 3.7 million eager followers.

That popularity led her to be noticed by some of the major men’s magazines and websites, securing her appearances in ZOO, Maxim, and Esquire. It also led to her being offered the opportunity to audition for television and movie roles.

In 2014, Abigail moved once again, this time to Los Angeles, where she felt that she could truly fulfil her acting and modelling dreams.

Since that time, she’s been featured in numerous billboard campaigns on Sunset Blvd., and has made multiple appearances on TMZ. Her acting work has also been growing, as she landed herself a part in the comedy “Parks and Recreation” on NBC.

With her great looks and fit body, Abigail has been compared to celebrities such as Megan Fox, who she’s actually a big fan of.

Despite owing much of her success to the Internet and social media, Abigail claims that she wants a career of substance and longevity that doesn’t rely on Internet success. Well, with someone that business-minded, sexy, and charming, it seems like we can expect to see much more of Abigail Ratchford in the future.

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Abigail Ratchford Facts

She has her own online store where she sells calendars, prints, phone cases, clothing, and accessories.

At age 20, she took part in the Pennsylvania pageant.

She starred alongside Nick Offerman in an episode of NBC’s Parks and Recreation.

Abigail loves Yoga, traveling, and watching Food network recipes.

She was a cheerleader in high school.

Abigail took CoolSculpting fat-reduction treatments on her arms and on the backs of her thighs to smooth cellulite, lip fillers, and Botox in the corners of her eyes and on her forehead.

She featured in publications such as Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, Maxim, People, Esquire, Playboy, The Daily Mail, The New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

Abigail is close friends with model Lindsey Pelas.

She Prefers Men with a Set, Unique Style

Better be a sharp dressed man if you want to get Abigail Ratchford’s attention.

to an interview that Abigail did with Urbasm, she prefers men who have their own style. When asked by the interviewer what she though makes a man more attractive when he dresses, her answer was definitely clear and concise. She stated that she likes when men are either extremely casual in what they wear or extremely dressed up. Dressed up includes wearing a nice suit, tie or something of the like. She also stated that she did not really feel attracted in any way to the “in between look.” She went on to define this “in between” look as khakis and jeans and a button up shirt. Abigail also stated that too much jewelry was not attractive to her.

When it comes to clothes and fashion there is no question that Abigail has a look all her own, so it is not surprising that she has a preferred look that she likes to see men in. With fashion being such an important part of today’s culture it is not surprising that she has such a strong opinion about the subject. This means if any guy wants to turn her head, they better decide if casual or dressy is their look because otherwise, they will likely have a pretty hard time getting this girl’s head to turn. Also, take it easy on the man-jewelry, since this was also something she made a point of stating that she did not care for.

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