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What are some of the most popular products from Dr Barbara Sturm Molecular Cosmetics?

Dr Sturm is arguably best known for her MC1 cream. At Sturm’s clinic in Germany, she whips up the custom MC1 cream from patient’s own blood. A patient’s blood is funneled through a vial that stimulates the blood to react as if it’s injured. These healing proteins are then used in the MC1 cream which Dr Sturm considers a “healing treatment.” The cream is meant to treat everything from hyperpigmentation to eczema to acne.

Another favorite is the Hyaluronic Ampoules, which are housed in tiny glass bottles. The concentrated product contains both long and short chain hyaluronic molecules as well as purslane, for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

The Glow Drops and Sun Drops are popular serums. Sun drops is a new concept for sun protection. This lightweight serum provides SPF 50 protection and can be applied directly to the skin or mixed in with face cream. Glow Drops are designed to make the skin glow, by providing deep hydration, nourishment and pore refinement. The instant glow is provided by mineral pigments.

Who is Dr Barbara Sturm?

Based in Dusseldorf, Germany, Dr Sturm trained as an orthopedist specializing in joint inflammation. She helped develop a treatment dubbed the “Kobe Procedure” (named for Kobe Bryant) where proteins derived from a patient’s own blood are injected in the body to kickstart the healing process. The procedure became popular with athletes and celebrities from around the world.

In 2003 Dr Sturm applied the same concept to developing a face cream in order to treat her own skincare issues. She has said in interviews that her skin woes disappeared overnight. That cream became Dr Barbara Sturm MC1, where she used proteins from her own blood and spun it into a cream. That cream was the start of her company, officially called Dr Barbara Sturm Molecular Cosmetics, which all come with a seriously hefty price tag. Her motto is, “less is more, and of the less, use only the very best.”

Try Dr Barbara Sturm’s skincare saviour tips at home

Starting to show the effects of quarantining: overdosing on laptop screen blue light; under-dosing on vitamin D-rich sunshine; disrupted sleep and upped stress levels (and its poisonous partner in crime, cortisol)? While deepened crow’s feet may be a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things, Sturm shares her tips for keeping our complexions revitalised this winter, and avoiding “dry, red, irritated, and breakout-prone ‘Quarantine Face’”: 

  • “Adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Get as much sleep and exercise as you’re able and avoid smoking, excessive alcohol, sugar, processed meats and flour – a diet with enough salmon, avocado, olive oil, tomatoes and dark berries in it will have a major effect.”

  • “Avoid unprotected HEV digital screen exposure. High Energy Visible rays that are produced by your flat screen TVs, computers, tablets, and mobile phones penetrate the skin in a similar manner to UVA and UVB rays and cause similar damage. I invented Anti-Pollution Drops for topical use, and Anti-Pollution Food as an oral supplement for this precise purpose.”

  • “Use ingredient science-based skincare. Skincare is about skin health, but also about feeling great in your skin. The fundamentals of your skincare regime are the same no matter what: thorough cleansing, hydrating, exfoliating and nourishing the skin with nutrient-rich ingredients should always be a constant. Use your time at home to try to give your skin as much love and protection as possible.”

  • Pore-clogged “maskne” can be tackled by switching from a disposable mask to Sturm’s machine-washable, reusable Sturm Nano-Silver Mask – “an anti-microbial face mask made with a triple-layer fabric (as recommended by the World Health Organisation) that’s gentle to the skin, lightweight and comfortable to wear.”

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The 4 Skincare Products Emma Corrin Swears By For Glowy Skin

What are alternatives to Dr Barbara Sturm?

Dr Sturm’s products are some of the priciest prestige products available today, and for those with a smaller budget, there are other options to hydrate and soothe the skin. Consider Formulyst, whose philosophy is long-term and effective skincare.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the best hydrating ingredients for the skin. It keeps complexions plumped and dewy looking, and occurs naturally in the body (including eyeballs and skin)—it’s a true superhero ingredient as it can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water. Formulyst Super Hyaluronic Water Moisturizer is an oil free formula packed with multiple types of hyaluronic acid and it works as a moisture magnet by drawing water to the skin.

For even more moisture, try Formulyst Intense Hydrating Serum. It’s like a tall, cool drink of water for the face. The lightweight serum sinks into the skin and is loaded with good-for-you ingredients such as antioxidants and moisture magnets like hyaluronic acid and glycerin. To improve the skin’s texture, try Formulyst Retexturing and Perfecting Serum which contains gentle but effective alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) to gently dissolve dead skin cells, leaving behind fresher, smoother looking skin.

If you like the idea of a skincare kit, consider Advanced Dermatology. The Advanced Dermatology line includes everything you need to address the signs of aging. The system can help diminish the appearance of wrinkles, reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation. The regimen also works to minimize redness, even out skin tone and improve the appearance of eye bags and dark circles. The kit includes a cleanser, serum, anti-wrinkle treatment, moisturizer, day cream and eye cream- in other words, everything you need for glowing, beautiful, healthy skin.


В плане использования пудры Dr Barbara Sturm Enzyme Cleanser все стандартно. Насыпаем в ладонь небольшое количество порошка (производитель рекомендует использовать количество средство примерно размером с монету), смешиваем с небольшим количеством теплой воды, вспениваем (таким образом мы »активируем» энзимы и получаем мягкую нежную пенку), наносим на кожу, массируем и смываем. По поводу частоты использования производитель рекомендует использовать пудру при нормальной кожи 2-3 раза в неделю, при чувствительной коже 1-2 раза в неделю, при жирной коже продукт можно использовать ежедневно. Лично я использую пудру где-то пару раз в неделю, когда чувствую, что коже необходимо дополнительное отшелушивание.

И да, как мне кажется, подобные мягкие энзимные пудры – это очень хороший вариант отшелушивания для чувствительной кожи (благодаря мягким не раздражающим составам без кислот, отшелушивающих травмирующих частиц и эфирных масел, плюс, при использовании энзимных порошков не идет негативное воздействие на сосуды).

Также Барбара предлагает и второй метод использования Dr Barbara Sturm Enzyme Cleanser для более интенсивного отшелушивания. Для этого нужно нанести полученную пенку на кожу (точно также, как и в первом способе, сначала смешиваем небольшое количество порошка с водой, вспенить), помассировать и оставить на коже на одну минуту. На всякий случай прикреплю здесь видео с рутиной от Барбары (про использование энзимной пудры она рассказывает со второй минуты видео, если точнее 2:16).

Энзимная пудра Dr Barbara Sturm Enzyme Cleanser очень мягко отшелушивает кожу, после использования пудры кожа становится очень гладенькой и прямо вот отполированной. Мне очень нравится, что у пудры Dr Barbara Sturm очень мелкий помол, она абсолютно не травмирует кожу, после нее нет ни малейшего чувства стянутости, плюс, она не подсушивает кожу. Разумеется, пудра намного мягче, чем азиатские аналоги (что, думаю, будет заметно при первых использованиях средства), но при долгосрочной перспективе, как мне кажется, такое мягкое отшелушивание будет намного полезнее для кожи (а хватает таких порошков обычно на долгие годы, прошлая энзимная пудра «прожила» у меня около двух лет).

Наверняка возникнет вопрос, чем отличает пудра Dr Barbara Sturm от других подобных энзимных порошков. На самом деле я пробовала не так много энзимных пудр для умывания (у меня была пудра от Dermalogica и несколько минек подобных японских средств лет десять назад). Могу сказать, что в сравнении с этими средства пудра от Dr Barbara Sturm намного мягче, после Dermalogica у меня было достаточно заметное чувство стянутости кожи, а вот «японские товарищи» достаточно агрессивно отшелушивали кожу, что называется, «до скрипа» (подробнее о своем отношении к «скрипучему умыванию» я писала здесь, если вкратце, при таком умывании мы смываем с лица липидный защитный слой, что может спровоцировать появление воспалений, раздражение кожи, обезвоженность), весьма заметно подсушивали кожу.

What does Dr Barbara Sturm Molecular Cosmetics Sell?

Dr Sturm launched with a small range of products in 2013, which included a cleanser, moisturizers, scrub and a hyaluronic serum. Today the line has expanded to include a full range of products for women, men and children.

The collection includes an Enzyme Cleanser, Glow Drops, Hyaluronic Serum, and the game changing Sun Drops SPF 50 – it’s a sunblocking serum that can be mixed in with other products. For children there’s a Bathing Milk, Body Cream, Bum Cream and Hair & Body Wash. Dr Sturm also sells a line of supplements and masks (fun fact, she worked on the mask with Cher). She collaborated with actress Angela Bassett to create a line of products formulate for darker skin tones, which includes a face cream, cleanser and serum. The products are meant to be unisex with the exception of the Face Cream Men, which contains disinfecting and calming ingredients meant for après shave.

All of the products are packaged in minimalist glass bottles that seem made for Instagram, as they have a clean, simple design.

What is the vampire facial?

This is slightly confusing, as “vampire facial” has become an umbrella term to describe any kind of treatment which uses the patient’s own blood. However, Dr. Sturm’s “vampire facial” is different and she is credited with pioneering the use of blood plasma-infused skincare. Dr Sturm uses patient’s own blood in her MC1 cream and also mixes blood with hyaluronic acid for injectable treatments at her clinic- she also does a treatment that involves injecting blood back into the patient’s face.

Here’s how it works. After a small amount of blood is drawn, the cells are stimulated in a way that mimics an injury. This keeps the blood producing protein healing factors. Dr Sturm says that her method creates a concentration that is 147 times higher than what is normally found in the blood. The treated blood has strong anti-inflammatory, regenerative and healing properties.

What ingredients are in Dr Sturm Molecular Cosmetics?

The product line combines science-based skincare with botanicals, and the formulas are meant to work at the cellular level to protect and heal the skin. Two of the hero ingredients in the line are the plants purslane and skullcap. Both are packed with minerals, vitamins and nutrients and are thought to help promote healing and regeneration at the cellular level. Purslane contains high levels of omega-3 acids, as well as the antioxidant glutathione, a natural antioxidant system, and is antioxidative, wound-healing, and anti-fungal. Dr Sturm told Goop that in one trial, “Eighty-three percent of patients saw partial to complete clinical improvement from a chronic skin inflammation disease after six weeks of oral purslane supplementation.

Dr Sturm has said that her products also contain five “adaptogens,” which are compounds that help the body cope with environmental, physical and mental stresses. The products are formulated without fragrances, mineral oils and phthalates. Dr Sturm believes that inflammation is one of the biggest causes of aging, so her products focus on having anti-inflammatory effects and tap into the body’s own healing ability.

Purslane and antioxidants also shows up in the line of wellness supplements. Dr. Barbara Sturm Skin Food contains kudzu root, Japanese knotweed root extract, selenium and resveratrol, which is thought to act like an antioxidant. The Dr. Barbara Sturm Repair Food capsules have purslane, pomegranate skin extract, and frankincense extract.

Do Dr Barbara Sturm Molecular Cosmetics Work?

Always keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for someone else- or even cause breakouts or irritation. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to products. Anytime a product, or company, has achieved a nearly mythical status, someone trying it for the first time may be expecting a miraculous transformation of their skin- which will only lead to disappointment.

Dr Sturm’s products are beloved by celebrities as well as magazine editors who write about it in breathless tones and call it life changing. Her medical background is certainly impressive – she’s said in interviews that she developed her blood procedure in collaboration with scientists from Harvard and the Universities of Miami and Pittsburgh. Dr Sturm herself has said she doesn’t wear makeup on her skin, and her glowing complexion is a walking advertisement for her products.

On social media, fans who attribute their glowing skin to Dr Sturm’s products tag it #SturmGLOW. But not every user feels that way. The blogger behind Bikinis and Passports summed up the line this way, “Overall, I think the products are definitely not bad. They are nice. But far from life-changing for me personally. Especially in comparison to other products (specifically serums) that I love.” The high price tag is also off putting for many.

On Neiman Marcus, one user of her hyaluronic serum says, “I have used this serum for two years. I find it to be spectacular! I also have used Chanel and La Prairie, I know this to be a far superior product. I’m 50, this makes my skin glow” while another expresses disappointment. “Grossly overpriced, defies credulity. Works well to moisturize skin with regular use. A number of other excellent options in hyaluronic booster category that won’t gouge your wallet. Dr Sturm of Vampire facial fame, the thirst is real, eh?”

A close up on Dr Barbara Sturm’s own skincare routine

“I’m a busy, working mom, so I need my skincare routine to be simple. Not counting the Face Mask, my entire skincare routine takes only one to two minutes. Almost every day, I apply my hydrating Face Mask first thing in the morning. Twice a week, I’ll either use the Facial Scrub or Enzyme Cleanser in the shower on my face and body to remove dead skin cells, boost circulation and encourage skin renewal. The rest of the time I cleanse with my Cleanser. Immediately after showering (which is important to avoid osmosis/trans-epidermal water loss), I apply my Balancing Toner, then Hyaluronic Serum and Anti-Pollution Drops, Face Cream and Eye Cream. The Lifting Serum is so amazing – I love applying it after my moisturiser. I rarely wear make-up, but if I need an extra pop, I use my Glow Drops and Lip Balm as a finishing touch and in the evening, I usually put my Night Serum on before bed. I am taking my supplements religiously – Skin Food, Anti-Pollution Food, and Repair Food. I’m a vegetarian, so I am extra careful to replenish my zinc daily through my supplements.”

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